Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Joys of Boys (with bonus pictures)

Yep, it's the time again! Let me set the scene - Last night we were having horrible weather. Thunder, lightening, rain, you get the picture.

Chase: "Mommy, are you scared of thunder?"
Mommy: "No Chase, are you?"
Chase: "Yes!" "Mommy, are you scared of lightening?"
Mommy: "No Chase, are you?"
Chase: "Yes!"
Mommy: "Do you need to sleep with Mommy and Daddy tonight?"
Chase: "Yes please!!"

Now Jeff laid with Chase until he fell asleep in our bed since the storm was raging outside. Therefore he was asleep before I came to bed and didn't wake up until after I was out of bed. Fast forward to this morning when I'm getting Chase ready to go.

Chase: "Mommy, you didn't sleep in your bed last night!"
Mommy: "Yes I did, I slept right next to you."
Chase: "No you didn't because I didn't see you!"

I went on to try and convince him that I did indeed sleep in the bed with him and in fact for half the night he was practically sleeping right on top of me. However, he never saw me so he's pretty sure that I'm telling a fib. Gotta love those little boys!

Now for a bonus picture as promised! Here is Chase posing in his "Dragon Warrior" outfit! He just looks way too big in this picture, but oh so adorable! We'll definitely be enrolling him in Karate/Kung Fu when he turns four.

As an added bonus #2 here are Chase and Mommy at the Wall.E birthday party this weekend! Chase cracks me up in that mask, I wonder if he'll enjoy it as much when he sees this picture a few years from now?!?!

**I am grateful for
1) hump day
2) Disney on Ice this Saturday
3) yummy enchiladas we had for dinner (yes, I made them)
4) sweet tea
5) Molly, I sure heart that bulldog


Amanda Hoyt said...

Too cute!
We must live nearby you...we had bad weather last night and we go to the zoo in H-Town sometimes too :)
Hope you're having a good day.
Hugs and prayers,

Rooney's Little Musings said...

I was just thinking how we are just like Chase....we don't think God is there sometimes, because we don't see him...but he's always there!

Just thought I'd share....

Hope you have a great rest of the week!

Anonymous said...

Those are cute pictures...and the pic from the party is a GREAT picture of you Kahla....


Michelle said...

How cute! I am so glad he is feeling better.

Stephanie said...

cute pics!

Anonymous said...

Kahla, I just love this cute pic! Wall-E is Billy's favorite. We took the girls to see it and they loved it too. Boy, he's growing up so fast!!