Why is it that when I really don't want AF to show she does and when I do want her to show she doesn't??? When we do IVF we do a mirco-dose of lupron which means I get one lupron shot. I think traditionally most women are on lupron for several days, but everyone's protocol is different. After my lupron it should take 5-7 days to show. I got my lupron last Tuesday morning around 10 and you guessed it, still no AF. Once AF finally debuts I'll start my stims on d3, then that goes on between 10-14 days, then I'll trigger, take one day off, then our egg retrieval, then a 3 or 5 days transfer. After our transfer my RE requires three days of strict bedrest. I hate bedrest. I do it because those are my instructions, but I hate it. It's nice for about the first 8 hours and that's it. Everyone tells me they'd love three days of bedrest, but you wouldn't. It's not like you are hanging out, having a grand ole' time, getting up when you please, and taking it totally easy. You are laying down on your back or side and only getting up to pee. No fun. Last time I did allow myself to sit with my legs up on the couch and that made a big difference, but it's still tough.
OK, back to the real issue of this post since I got totally side-tracked. I need AF to show NOW! This is going to sound petty, but it's another one of those "you would never question a fertile's view on this so don't question mine kinda thing." On the 30th we have tickets to see Rodne.y Carri.ngton. We have been waiting a very, VERY long time for him to come and I would really like to go and see him with Jeff. As it is, if AF were to show tomorrow and our cycle went exactly like it did last time (which no two out of the four have ever been exactly the same) then I'll be on bedrest on the 30th. I have decided that as long as I get 2 good days of bedrest in, then I would still let myself goes. Which means AF REALLY needs to show by tomorrow for that to happen if I stim, retrieve, and transfer like last time. Ugh.
Has this post made any sense? It's really more of a rambling I guess, but where else do I put it? I really shouldn't even worry I suppose since I know it'll all work out how it's meant to. Besides, I have so many other things to blog about. I need to do a mental sticky, a Santa's Wonderland post (kinda late, but I gotta do it), and then I have a post about something special Chase will be doing tomorrow. Let's just hope that by this time tomorrow AF is here and we are on our way.
And yes I'm embarrassed to admit this but the thought that maybe I could be pregnant did cross my mind, but since I was on BCP's that is even less likelier than normal. Stupid thoughts. I mean seriously over 7 years of trying and not one pregnancy... why do I even think those things??
**I am grateful for
1) I am down to 14 kids in my class, sweet while it lasts!
2) the heater, it is COLD out!
3) the recliner, my feet are so tired
4) Jeff cooked dinner tonight, he rocks!
5) first day back at school under our belt
A trip! A trip!
11 years ago
I will be praying for her to show up ASAP :)
I know, the way our brains work sometimes can drive us bonkers...Hope you have a good day at work tomorrow. Can't wait to hear about Chase's day.
Hugs and prayers,
Thanks for all of the sweet comments on my blog. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I hope AF greets you when you wake up tomorrow morning! ;)
I've been thinking so much about you guys! I'm praying real hard. How's Chase's hand? I can't believe all that after we just talked about it. Poor baby! We had a great time Christmas. We really should try to get together more. Sometimes holidays and birthdays just aren't enough. Let me know if you need anything. Love ya!
Wow where have I been? I didn't even realize you were starting the IVF process again. Yay! Here's hoping to AF coming sooner rather than later (unless you are of course pregnant! Hey you never know!)
I hate AF she is very uncooperative. I hope she comes soon. I will be praying for you.
I really hope AF shows up for you. I hate that this process is so unpredictable, even when you have a plan.
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