I am totally shocked to say this but it turns out the Oct.uplet mom DID do IVF. WTF? I mean SERIOUSLY, WTF????? For an RE to transfer 8 embryos and for a patient to want to transfer 8 embryos is totally, completely irresponsible. That RE should have their license revoked and this chick needs to be put in a mental institute. The whole thing makes me sick. For the record let me say that this is by no means the norm for IVF and is the result of two totally idiotic people. So wrong, in so many ways! And yes I know the article said they implanted (which should read transferred, stupid idiots) far less than 8 but they multiplied - I'd just like to throw out a BS to that one, don't tell me they transferred say 4 and they all split.... again, WTF ever!
A trip! A trip!
11 years ago
It is totally insane. What kind of an RE would do something like this? Her and her Dr are both wack jobs. Let's just hope they don't give her her own show on TLC...
Amen sista! This story makes me want to bang my head into the nearest wall every time I read something new about it. Good grief! As if if people dont already have a skewed perception of what IVF or ANY infertility treatments are about....now this freak show and her irresponsible doctor....ugh!
This story gives us all a bad name... I wonder what the reality show will be called...?
It's Monday afternoon and I am very much thinking of you and hoping today went beautifully! Your news is about a zillion times bigger than the Superbowl and Octuplets combined and I am refreshing often and with much hope!
But speaking of the Octuplet business, unless the media has grossly distorted the facts, it appears that all 14 of this woman's children were IVF. She also appears to be single and at home with parents and unemployed--which makes the whole business all the more curious. It seems like maybe something is emotionally off for this woman which would make it all the more reprehensible that an RE would exploit her neediness and turn his back on the standard of care and jeopardize both her life/health and that of these babies by doing such a medically inadvisable number of embroyos transferred.
A troubling and sad sounding situation all the way around. I realize we may not now nor ever have all the facts, but at a minimum, I sure am hoping the best for the 14 kids involved.
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