We are home from the ET and resting away! When Dr. G came in to give us the report it broke down like this (love this grading system!) 1 - perfect, fully expanded blast, 2 - very, very nice almost fully expanded blasts, 2 at morulas and almost blasts, and not sure on the remaining 3 (he didn't say so I assume they did not make it). In the past we have transferred 3, 3, 4, and 3 so imagine my surprise when I was told that today we would be transferring only 2! He said these were high quality embryos and he was really worried about triplets and knew we would not reduce so he would not budge on the number. Since I trust him completely (and my plea of we did 3 last time) did not change his mind, two it was. He was right, we would not reduce and since our goal is one healthy baby, I really am totally ok with two (see people, responsible REs do not transfer 8)! He did say the would freeze the remaining blast and watch the morulas to see if they could freeze them, but I'll be shocked if we have any frozen since we haven't out of four previous cycles. I'd love it, but be shocked just the same!
As for our BETA, it's scheduled for two weeks from today so patince is a virtue. However, I feel really confident about this cycle and besides, transferring 2 on 02/02 has to be some extra luck!
***I am grateful for
1) our two babies on board
2) an RE that really does care
3) prayer, hope, luck, whatever it takes
4) bedrest, hate it but it can't hurt
5) the laptop, love it on bedrest
A trip! A trip!
11 years ago
It IS a much awaited and anticipated post!!!! Yay for your awesome transfer of 2 on 2/2 and YAY for your RE and his care for you and the babies!!!
Happy Bedresting to you (are you singing to Mama Mia yet?!) and know that so many prayers are supporting you and these babies and your family!
Excited and Hopeful,
2 on 2/2 HAS to be lucky!!! Thinking sticky thoughts and sending you baby dust!
so exciting! good luck in the 2ww. i'm so glad you're feeling good about this cycle and so excited to see how it goes. now grow you little embies!
AWESOME!!!! I will be sitting here rooting you on sweetie!!!
This is going to turn out good you will see!!!
YAH, Sending you baby dust. Good Luck in your 2 ww wait and happy Bed rest.
Yay! Best of luck with your beauties!
YAY definitely has to be lucky! 2ww here you come! I will be waiting anxiously with you!
Yippee on the great news. You are in my prayers as always. If you get terribly bored on bedrest, call me at home, I'm right around the corner, I can come keep you company. Hope to hear some even better news soon.
YAY!! Congratulations on a wonderful transfer. And I never thought about today being Feb 2. Even better! Here's wishing that the 2ww goes swiftly and ends with BFP!!!
Sounds like it went great! I'll be waiting right along with you to hear your results in less than 2 weeks!
I am so excited for you! Keeping fingers crossed!
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