This is Yoda, the newest member of our household. I'll be honest, I had no intentions of getting another dog any time soon even though Chase has been begging for one for months. I did not want to do the teaching sit/stay/come/listen to what I'm saying thing and I certainly didn't want to do the whole potty training thing. Just not my thing. Then we heard about Yoda (formally known as Wheezy).
Yoda/Wheezy lived with my nephew (well, technically he's not, but I claim him) , his wife, and their two year old son, Hunter. While Yoda/Wheezy was really a good dog, they were afraid that Hunter was just too rough and was going to hurt him, so they wanted a good home for him. He's about French that's about a year and a half old, crate trained, potty trained, and really good with kids. I must have been crazy that night, but I agreed that he could come live with us (the potty trained was the deal maker).
We told Chase that sometimes if you're really good Santa brings a present early (little white lies are OK when you're a parent). We went out to dinner last Friday and when Chase came home, Yoda was waiting on him. He was beyond thrilled and they have been inseparable ever since. We decided to name him Yoda since he resembles our beloved Star Wars character so closely.
I'll admit, he's so ugly he's cute and he really is a friendly little guy. We have got to work on this whole chewing thing, but my vet assures me that as he gets older, that will get better. It better. He's been great with the kids and other animals and the kids/animals have been great with him. Last night he even slept in a bed next to Molly in our room without any issues. I have a feeling that with time, this will be a great relationship!
****I am grateful for
1) new friends
2) new relationships
3) Yoda came potty trained
4) the smile on Chase's face
5) fate
Friday, December 31, 2010
Meet our new addition - Yoda!
Posted by Kahla at 7:33 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Christmas Pictures at last!
Our Christmas was wonderful and full of great family and friends. We had a beautiful candlelight, family style Christmas Eve service followed by time with Jeff's family. Too bad all the pictures are on the flip video (I guess I'll add those later). Then we got up bright and early Christmas morning to a living room full of presents that the kids went wild for. Chase, as always, was much too busy to allow me to take pictures, but I did get a few in there. Here are a few from our celebrations!
Emery LOVES her PBK Anywhere Chair, but so did her big brother! Needless to say, he now has one of his own in order to keep the fighting under control!
Duchess got this awesome playhouse for Emery, now we need to screen in our deck so she can go out there and play and I can have my garage back!
****I am grateful for
1) good times w/family and friends
2) giving to others
3) new toys to keep kiddos busy
4) very generous loved ones
5) more holiday memories
Posted by Kahla at 11:37 AM 1 comments
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Christmas pics/post to come
but for now I'm down for the count with bronchitis and a sinus infection. Must take cough meds w/codeine now. :o(
****I am grateful for
1) urgent care
2) an antibiotic shot, even if it stung like you would not believe and oral antibiotics
3) a good husband that took the tree down while I was at the dr
4) being off this week so I don't have to use sick days
5) good cough medicine
Posted by Kahla at 8:58 PM 1 comments
Labels: life
Thursday, December 23, 2010
The Joys of Boys
(This actually took place early Tuesday morning, a week ago, because I forgot to hit publish... ugh)
This morning when I was getting the kids dressed I think I saw a scene from our future (although it had totally better not be). Chase was standing in front of me about to get dressed for the day. When he pulled of his pajama top there was a HUGE (Mickey Mouse) tattoo on his back. All I could think was he is soooo lucky he's little and that's fake! I gave him a really hard time about, "Where did THAT come from???" To which he laughed and informed me that Duchess had let him do it. I think I may be in trouble when this one's older!
****I am grateful for
1) FAKE tattoos
2) little boys
3) joys
4) laughs
5) mischievous little smiles
Posted by Kahla at 5:35 PM 0 comments
Labels: Chase, The Joys of Boys
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
One of those "I got out of bed for this?" kind of days.
Today was one of THOSE days. One of those days where even if you tried, more stuff could NOT have gone wrong. I'll admit that I'm way tired after being up for 20 hours and then only getting a sporadic five hours of sleep before being up for another 12+ hours and counting, so that probably has not helped much. I wish I could have half the energy that my kids have, then I'm sure things wouldn't seem nearly as gloomy.
Emery had her recheck on her ears today. I was a little worried because her nose was running again, but I was really hoping that it was just allergies. After all, she's been on three antibiotics over the last 5ish weeks now, so surely we were all better. As soon as the nurse put the thermometer in her ear, she freaked. I don't like stuff in my ears either, so I chalked it up to that and kept on praying it was just allergies. It wasn't. Dr. Q looked in her right ear and said, "This one looks OK" in a I-guess-it-will-do kind of tone and then looks in her left ear and said, "this one doesn't." Crap. After looking at her history and seeing that just like big brother she is resistant to antibiotics when it comes to ear infections we were referred to the ENT. As Dr. Q put it, looking at Chase's history and then at hers, I can tell you what they are going to say. Don't bother Dr. Q, I already know.
While we were there she noticed Chase's cough and we talked about that too. On Monday he had been at MeMaws when he started coughing and couldn't breathe. It was bad enough they rushed to our house for the emergency inhaler. Dr. Q decided to listen to Chase and sure enough, he's wheezing. So, he's now been switched to a twice a day inhaler with the emergency inhaler if needed. Poor guy. He's on the middle dose now and we'll recheck in a month to see if it needs to be adjusted. Guess the asthma is official now. Blech.
I figured we'd run to the store and grab what we needed today in order to beat the holiday crowds. Let's just say we didn't beat them, they were all shopping right along with us.
My grandfather is having issues that no doubt are related to his congestive heart failure. Today he didn't want to get out of bed and his feet are cold/swollen. I'm taking him to the doctor tomorrow while my mom takes my grandma in to see if her arm is doing OK how it is or will need to be cast.
I learned we may be having Christmas at our house. Short notice and house a wreck. Not a good combination.
Have to find new renters for the rent house. Have I ever mentioned how much I despise having a rent house? If not, I'm mentioning it now.
I hate days like this, surely tomorrow will be better.
****I am grateful for
1) each day that passes
2) these kinds of days are few and far between (for the most part)
3) cooler weather is coming
4) at least E's ear infections will be gone
5) patience, when I have it ;o)
****I am grateful for
1) good medical care
2) insurance, even if it's not the best
3) more antibiotic to get this under control
4) on top of it doctors
5) being able to do what we need to do
Posted by Kahla at 7:35 PM 0 comments
Wow, totally MIA on you. In my defense I left early Saturday morning to go to Ohio and visit my friend that lost her four day old son in November. It was a great trip under the circumstances and very hard to leave, although it was hard to be gone! I missed Jeff and the kids more than words can say!!!!
They live in Marblehead, Ohio, which is about as north as you can get without going in to Canada. To say it was chilly is an understatement, but I loved it! It is a tiny town that sits right on Lake Erie and is absolutely beautiful! They have an old lighthouse and all these gorgeous houses. Everything was covered in snow and looked like a postcard. Jessica and I managed to get most of her Christmas shopping done, caught up on things, went site-seeing, and overall just spent some much needed time together. Her oldest, Caitlynn, was one of our flower girls when we got married. She was three. She's now 14 and almost 6 inches taller than me. Everett is in third grade and very smart. Then the youngest, Isaac, is 16 months old and just freaking adorable! I'm sure it's because he's so close to Emery's age, but I could have just packed him up and brought him home with me!
As hard as it was to leave, I went ahead and drove back to Cleveland late Monday evening so that I wouldn't have to make the hour and a half drive Tuesday morning. I got up at 2:30 our time yesterday to return the rental car and catch the red-eye home because I just couldn't be away any longer. It is so nice to be home, but I already miss Jessica and the kids. I wish they would move back down here, but I understand that sometimes we don't get what we want.
The kids did great while I was gone and as always, Jeff was Superdad. Man I love him! I'm pretty sure they missed me as much as I missed them though because I'm not allowed more than about two feet away from either one. If one's not in my lap, the other is! Not to mention Jeff said that Emery had slept all night, every night while I was gone, but sure enough, last night she was awake and calling for Mama. That's OK, I was more than happy to snuggle (although I'm totally, completely exhausted).
If you have time to say a prayer, please send one Jessica's way (and Chris, Caitlynn, Everett, and Issac). Obviously she is still having a very hard time with Simon's death, but I have a feeling this is going to be even more difficult time just because of the holidays. Thanks!
***I am grateful for
1) a wonderful trip
2) a safe trip
3) time spent with old friends
4) being home with my babies and Jeff
5) stepping stones
Posted by Kahla at 9:00 AM 1 comments
Labels: Holy Rollin', life
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
The Joys of Boys
I absolutely LOVE having a boy. And more so I LOVE having Chase. He has got the sweetest heart that I have ever seen. He is really enjoying Emery having her carseat turned around like him. Last night she was giggling like crazy while he entertained her and out of nowhere he said, "I love having a sister." Please Lord, let them always be like this!
****I am grateful for
1) brothers
2) sisters
3) love
4) memories
5) sweet hearts
Posted by Kahla at 5:12 PM 2 comments
Labels: Chase, Emery, The Joys of Boys
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Princess Emery is 14 months old (a couple of days late)
Sweet Princess Emery,
You are now 14 months old!!! What an awesome 14 months it's been! You are growing by leaps and bounds and I swear that every time we get you out of bed you are a whole different little girl. So much of your babyness is gone and although I'm truly enjoying this stage, I already miss that one.
You are trying to talk so hard and you are going to have the sweetest little voice. You say several words, "Bubba, Malmal (for Molly), PawPaw, Nana, Mama, Dada, apple (see video below), meow, woof, and many more that I can't think of right now. You have learned how to communicate and when you want something, we certainly know it.
I'm thinking you might be a little bit spoiled. Not long ago Duchess said, "she really is the definition of a princess isn't she?" Yep, you are. Everyone from your big brother to your great-grandfather cater to you and I have a feeling we're going to pay for it big time. If you don't get your way you are showing that you can flat out throw a fit. We're going to work on that.
You are in a biting stage. One minute you're lovin', next you're biting. Poor Chase has been on the receiving end more than once. Lucky for you, he loves you an awful lot and forgives you every time.
Speaking of loving, you are now giving kisses and it is so sweet. Nothing compares to a big, open mouthed, slobbery kiss. I'll take them any day!
You are trying to jump and it is probably the cutest thing I have ever seen. So need to get it on video. You run and lift up your body, but your feet never leave the ground. So cute!
On your 14 month birthday, Sunday, we turned your carseat around. I know it's best to wait but you were kicking the snot out of everything with your feet and we finally gave in. You absolutely love it. You laugh at everything and babble/point at all the things you can see.
I know I've said it before, but I so wish I could slow time down. Both you and your brother are growing way too fast. I love to watch the two of you interact and play, there is so much love. I pray that ya'll always feel this way about each other.
We sure love you baby girl and I can't even remember what life was like without you.
Love, Mommy
****I am grateful for
1) 14 awesome months
2) new skills
3) sibling love
4) 3 days until Christmas vacation!!!
5) big, slobbery, wet kisses
Posted by Kahla at 9:59 PM 2 comments
Labels: Emery
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Needing more hours in the day...
I've said it before and I'll say it again, I need more hours in the day. Especially this time of the year! I guess I'll have to play bullet point catch up!
- Emery had to be taken back to the doctor yesterday because she woke up from her nap with a fever, not eating, and not playing. Turns out that despite the fact we've been fighting this ear infection going on three weeks and have been on two different antibiotics, one ear is red and one is bulging and full of puss. My poor little Princess. On to a "super" antibiotic and a recheck in two weeks. I'm telling you, Chase all over again. This is exactly what landed him with his first set of tubes.
- I am still fighting this chest cold. Cough, cough, cough. I would almost swear that I've broken a rib from all the coughing. Maybe I'll make it into the doctor one day... I doubt it.
- So much to do at school, so ready to move back down to the lower grades. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. It's large, green, and is trimmed really pretty. 7 more days, I can do this.
- Finally got lights on our house this weekend, thank you Daddy! Chase was so stressed out that both our neighbors had lights and we didn't. Now we're just working on getting the tree all up. Too bad that for every two ornaments Chase hung up this evening, Emery took one down.
- Busy weekend ahead, two trips to Kingwood in two days. Already tired from that one. Need to get a pair of fringe pants and a birthday shirt made for my niece ASAP (as in yesterday).
- Leave for Ohio on the 18th to visit with my friends that just lost their son to SIDS. Glad I get to go support them, hate leaving my babies. I know they'll be fine, but I've never been away from them like this.
- Almost done Christmas shopping, woohoo! I think we have four more gifts to buy. Now we just need to wrap and wrap and wrap.
****I am grateful for
1) Hump Day
2) 7 more days, I can make it
3) the light at the end of the tunnel
4) lights are up and the tree is almost up
5) almost done with the Christmas shopping!
Posted by Kahla at 9:39 PM 1 comments
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Santa Visit 2010!
I have to admit, I was worried how this years Santa visit would go with Emery. She's a bit of a Momma/Daddy's girl and although she's pretty friendly, she only wants people holding her on her terms. Our shirts that we had ordered for the kids came in today and we figured we'd give it a go. If we went now and it was a disaster, we could always try again later. Turns out, I was worried for nothing!
I know she doesn't look real amused here, but believe me, she gave plenty of smiles. This just happened to be the picture where they were all looking, so it's the one I chose to put on here. I love the place we go because the Santa is good, there are no lines, and if you buy something (no matter how cheap) you can take as many pictures as you want with your own camera!

We have so much to do and I'm sure we'll pay another visit to Santa. Since it's close, not crowded, and inexpensive, we usually end up going a few times each December. Tomorrow it's time to put up Christmas lights, let the fun begin!
****I am grateful for
1) no lines
2) adorable matching shirts
3) time to talk with Santa
4) no freak-outs by the Princess
5) more memories in the making
Posted by Kahla at 9:44 PM 4 comments
Monday, November 29, 2010
This is just how we roll.
A while back I blogged about how Chase's first set of tubes stayed in less than a year and how they were concerned that his second set had not come out. They had said that in March we would discuss going in and surgically removing the remaining tube (one was out at this point) if it were still in there because we were quickly approaching the maximum time allowed to keep them in. Then, less than a month later, our prayers were answered and the tube came out on it's own... crazy! However, almost immediately he had an ear infection. Not good. That was on October 25. Got it cleared up and we were good to go again. Then, Tuesday night he woke up crying and moaning. Ear infection #2 in less than a month. :o( Not good again.
Now I know ear infections aren't contagious. However, I'm almost to the point of wondering if maybe they are. As we were working on getting Chase better, Saturday morning Emery starting running a temp. After 24 hours of us fighting to break it and a very runny nose, it was off to urgent care on Sunday. Would you like to guess the culprit? Double ear infection. Seriously? Apparently not only do my children look just alike, they like to have the same illnesses too. I guess Emery didn't want big brother to out-do her.
So, it's winding down like this. If Chase continues with ear infections, we are looking at a third set of tubes. A third set! Ugh! I don't even have the last set paid off yet (anesthesia is a killer). And I imagine that if Emery continues on this path (I believe this is #3), she'll be looking at following in her big brother's shoes. Monkey see, monkey do I suppose.
If anyone asks what I want for Christmas, just tell them I'd like a money tree.
****I am grateful for
1) if we need tubes, at least we live where we have access to them
2) if we need tubes, at least they will help keep my little babies from getting sick
3) if we need tubes, at least we have capable doctors that I trust
4) if we need tubes, at least it won't be our first go round and we know what to expect
5) if we need tubes, at least there's always a payment plan!
Posted by Kahla at 9:21 PM 4 comments
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving!
Thank you Lord for all our blessings, but especially blessing #1
and blessing #2Wishing you and yours a very Happy Thanksgiving!
****I am grateful for
1) my family
2) my friends
3) the blessing of being a mommy to my two wonderful kids
4) the blessing of being a wife to my wonderful husband
5) cold weather, love it!
Posted by Kahla at 8:08 PM 2 comments
Monday, November 22, 2010
Little Angels
When God calls little children to dwell with Him above.
We mortals sometimes question the wisdom of His love.
For no heartache compares with the death of one small child,
who does so much to make our world seem wonderful and mild.
Perhaps God tires of calling the aged to His fold.
So He picks a rosebud before it can grow old.
God knows how much we need them and so He takes but a few,
to make the land of Heaven more beautiful to view.
Believing this is difficult still somehow me must try.
The saddest word mankind knows will always be "Goodbye".
So when a child departs we who are left behind,
must realize God loves children too, Angels are hard to find.
~Author Unknown
****I am grateful for
1) God's love
2) continued prayers
3) wisdom, even that which we do not understand
4) comfort
5) rosebuds
Posted by Kahla at 10:09 PM 3 comments
Labels: life
Sunday, November 21, 2010
A heavy heart and a prayer request.
I met Jessica when I was in third grade. Then we both moved away, I actually moved out of the state and then back, and somehow we wound up back at the same school in 8th grade. We were best friends, celebrated good times, and weathered the bad. As with any friendship we've had bumps and we've always managed to overcome them. Her daughter was my littlest flower girl and she was a bridesmaid, I was her matron of honor. Lives have changed and paths have forked. She is living in Ohio, my littlest flowergirl is now a freshman in high school, and she has two baby brothers, one that is just a couple of months older than our Princess. On Wednesday, Jessica gave birth to her fourth child, a beautiful baby boy named Simon Griffin. He looked just like his big brothers and was precious. I wished I could be there to hold him and meet him face to face. Then this morning I received the worst news I could possibly imagine. A message that said, "I need you to come to Ohio if possible, Simon died this morning." I couldn't believe what I was reading. It has felt like a horrible dream that you can't wake up from. My heart is broken into a million pieces for Jessica and Chris (and their family) and I can't even imagine what they are going through. Anyone who knows me well, knows that after my sister died of SIDS this is truly one of my biggest fears in life. I feel like this is the first time in 25+ years that I don't know how to comfort her and make things better. If you have a moment to say a little prayer that they feel God's love during this time, I would be forever grateful. I am totally devastated for them.
****I am grateful for
1) I have a ticket waiting for when I need to go to Jessica's side
2) my mother who is giving me that ticket
3) God's love, especially in those darkest times
4) time
5) prayers
Posted by Kahla at 10:02 PM 6 comments
Labels: Holy Rollin', life
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
That's my boy!
We finally got Chase's kindergarten picture back and I couldn't help but laugh when I saw it. We were supposed to get his hair cut the night before pictures, but Mrs. Crystal was home with a sick baby and Chase refuses to let anyone else cut his hair so we missed the haircut. No big deal, he's still absolutely adorable and I wasn't worried. Turns out, his hair didn't change the picture at all, but something else sure did! Notice anything?Yep, that would be his tongue he's trying to stick out through the hole where his teeth used to be! When I asked him what in the world he was doing he looked at me, grinned, and replied, "I like how it feels!" That's my boy and I wouldn't trade him, or this picture, for the world!
****I am grateful for
1) missing teeth
2) adorable pictures
3) my all-boy little boy!
4) smiles
5) hump-day, what can I say, I love knowing the weekend is halfway here!
Posted by Kahla at 9:04 PM 1 comments
Labels: Chase
Monday, November 15, 2010
OMG, could she be any cuter? I think not!****I am grateful for
1) pigtails
2) total cuteness
3) down to two bottles a day!
4) cold weather
5) Another Monday is over and we are one day closer to Thanksgiving vacation!
Posted by Kahla at 8:20 PM 1 comments
Labels: Emery
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Never good
It's never a good sign when the first thing that the doctor says upon walking into a room is, "So, when are we doing surgery?" Ugh. My stupid food is STILL causing me issues and apparently we are at the end of the road with other alternatives. Fortunately I convinced him to give me one last cortisone shot and let me be on my way for now with the promise that once it becomes unbearable pain wise that I'd be back in and set a surgery date. He said that my occupation is a hazard and that my foot just isn't getting the off-time it needs to heal. :o( I just don't have time for surgery and to be honest, it really puts a kink in my on-the-go status. So, I'm praying that I can go a long time on this last shot and postpone it as long as possible. I'm so glad that tomorrow is Friday, the weekend (and Thanksgiving break) can't come fast enough!
****I am grateful for
1) one last shot to buy me time
2) a good doctor that I trust and is letting me wait it out
3) Thanksgiving Break is so close that I can smell it
4) Extra income (although I HATE that Jeff has worked for almost a month straight w/o a single day off, 24/7 Mommy duty is tough and we miss him during the weekend days)
5) Friday is right around the corner!
Posted by Kahla at 7:49 PM 1 comments
Labels: life
Saturday, November 6, 2010
The Princess' official 1 year portraits!
I guess it's better late than never! ;o) Here are a few of the official shots from Carty Photography, love 'em! Although I have the rights to these pictures, I'm choosing to use the proof shots because I don't want anyone trying to steal pics of my little princess (yes, she's that cute that someone just might try it)!
These were my favorites, but you can see the rest of the photo session pictures by clicking here.
Here's an added bonus because it's just so cute!****I am grateful for
1) weekends
2) cute photos
3) our talented photographer
4) cute kiddos
5) awesome weather
Posted by Kahla at 7:55 PM 4 comments
Friday, November 5, 2010
Quotable Quote
“Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's true strength.” ~ unknown
****I am grateful for1) weekends
2) Thanksgiving break is working it's way closer and closer and closer
3) weather that actually feels like Fall
4) quiet time
5) my kids, they make me smile (and Jeff is pretty good too)
Posted by Kahla at 6:48 PM 1 comments
Labels: Quotable Quotes
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Heaven help me... literally.
I try not to talk about work on here because we all know that in today's world that just a no-no. Let alone the field I'm in you just don't talk about stuff. However, I'm making an exception to the rule.
This is my 9th year to teach and I am having the worst year ever. I can't go into details but I can say my class is low and rough. :o( I come home so stressed out that I could just cry. I'm miserable. I put on a happy face and it takes everything in me to make it through the days. Weekends are so lovely but just when I'm getting happy again, Monday arrives. I'm at my wits end. It doesn't help that out of these 9 years I've had 7 different position, moved twice to a new spot after the school year has started because they just, "really needed me to" and I'm a team-player and that's what team-players do, I've had 9 different rooms and have lasted through 5 principals. I'm to the point where I want to be in a grade that I enjoy teaching (which is not my current status) for an extended period of time or I just don't think I'm going to make it. I need prayers... lots and lots of prayers. If you have them, send them stat!
***I am grateful for
1) even this shall pass
2) hope
3) patience, what little I have left
4) will power
5) persistance
Posted by Kahla at 6:40 PM 1 comments
Labels: life
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
I knew he had grown, but all I can say is WOW! Where does the time go?***I am grateful for
1) old memories and new
2) time
3) milestones
4) growing up
5) cold weather
Posted by Kahla at 6:37 PM 0 comments
Labels: Chase
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Happy Halloween!
****I am grateful for
1) A wonderful weekend!
2) A Happy Halloween!
3) The cutest Tinkerbell ever!
4) One tough Wolverine!
5) Cooler weather is coming our way
Posted by Kahla at 9:27 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Just can't decide.
Remember what I said yesterday about it being only Monday and the week had already picked me up, etc.... Well today was truly no different. I can't decide which fits more appropriately:
1) I can only please one person a day. Today is not your day. Tomorrow is not looking good either.
2) Some days you're the statue. Some days you're the bird. I have accepted that today I was not the bird.
Alas, this too shall pass I suppose. I can do anything for a year. ;o)
****I am grateful for
1) nothing ever stays the same
2) some things never change
3) those days when I'm NOT the statue
4) tomorrow is hump day and I love me some hump day
5) the world never stops turning
Posted by Kahla at 10:23 PM 1 comments
Labels: life
Monday, October 25, 2010
I know, I'm horrible.
Hello, is there anybody out there? Seriously? Anyone? I know that I have been a horrible blogger lately and for that I am truly sorry, but really it doesn't seem like I've been getting many comments which leads me to believe that I'm alone and therefore have no one to blog for. There, how about that for whiny.
Actually, we've just been busy. Same old excuse, but it is what it is. I do have stuff to blog about. For instance, Chase just earned a new belt in karate and is now only three belts away from his Tiny Tiger "black" belt. I have videos of him kicking the snot out of a board and rockin' the whole testing thing. To bad my flip is who knows where at the moment. Guess I'll have to post those later.
Or I could talk about how I gave in and got an 4 and now feel like an idiot because my phone is smarter than me. Again, seriously. It really is. It's actually almost scary. Everyone tells me I'll love it and wonder how I ever lived without it, but so far I'm just not feeling it. I'll give it a week. Perhaps if they'd had a pink/black cover I'd love it more. ;o) I'll put that on the to get list for when I have $60 to blow. Which is another vent, are they crazy charging these prices? It's a recession people!
On a totally different note, Chase is in love with the phone and has figured out more on it than I have. I'm going to claim it's because he's been hijacking his aunt and uncle's iPh.ones for the past year and not because he is just better at that kind of stuff. ;o) And on another different note, my very generous mother just gave Jeff her iP.od touch because she never used it. He is as bad about that as Chase is the new phone. Starting to wonder if the new will ever wear off.
I could also talk about how we found out at the pedi today that Chase's remaining tube has come out on it's own.. yeah!!!! But then again, not yeah because he already has a, "raging" ear infection.... boo!!!!! Boy didn't even complain, I only knew he had it because it was draining. Good God he has a high pain tolerance.
I'm sure there's a ton of other stuff I could talk/ramble on about, but I'll be honest. I'm old, tired, and even though it's only Monday, I feel like the week has already picked me up, smacked me around a few times, and thrown me to the ground. So, instead I think I'll call it a night and crawl into bed (who am I kidding, that would require me getting out of this chair).
***I am grateful for
1) Monday is over
2) a nice weekend
3) that windy weather today, made the 91 degrees more bearable (speaking of 91 degrees, Dear Mother Nature, in case you forgot, it's fall)
4) Chase is on an antibiotic
5) at least the tube came out on it's own :o)
Posted by Kahla at 8:15 PM 1 comments
Labels: life
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Could we squeeze any more fun into one day?
Last Saturday Daddy had to work so the kids and I decided to go on a playdate to 7 Acre Woods with some friends and have a little fun.
Playhouses (Santa will DEFINITELY be getting her one of these). She must have opened and shut the shutters a zillion times!
After we were tuckered out and someone was ready for her nap, we headed home for a bit. After a nap and some lunch, we were off again to a local Fall Festival. We even got to wear our costumes.
We sure missed Daddy, but we managed to have a great day and make it go by pretty fast. I'm pretty sure we couldn't have packed anymore into it even if we had tried!
****I am grateful for
1) weekends
2) a Daddy that's willing to work extra to take care of his family
3) Fall Festivals
4) parks
5) friends to do fun things with
Posted by Kahla at 5:55 PM 1 comments