Seeing as how a dear friend, Courtney, posted that as of tomorrow we can officially say that our baby girl is due NEXT month we figured we had better get moving on her room! Chase is very excited about his little sister and wanted to help paint, so we stripped him down to his undies and away he went! Him and Daddy managed to get all the bottom painted pink and then this afternoon they put a coat of white on the top. This is supposed to be the paint with mixed-in primer, but it looks like we'll have to put a 2nd coat of white. After that we'll put up a chair rail and then the walls will be ready to decorate. :o) At least it's actually looking like it'll get done before she gets here!!! I'm going to get the wall letters to work on this weekend and then we'll get the furniture put together too. Oh my gosh, we're having a baby!
***I am grateful for
1) 4:00 - kids are on buses and I can focus on catching up
2) night - I'm so tired, just don't sleep good
3) an excited big brother!!!
4) 50 days from tomorrow, our Emery is due!
5) Emery's room has been started!!!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Emery's room just might get done after all!
Posted by Kahla at 7:48 PM 7 comments
Labels: Project Pumpkin
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Our Pumpkin is a Jicama! (32 weeks)
By now, your baby weighs 3.75 pounds (pick up a large jicama) and is about 16.7 inches long, taking up a lot of space in your uterus. You're gaining about a pound a week and roughly half of that goes right to your baby. In fact, she'll gain a third to half of her birth weight during the next 7 weeks as she fattens up for survival outside the womb. She now has toenails, fingernails, and real hair (or at least respectable peach fuzz). Her skin is becoming soft and smooth as she plumps up in preparation for birth. (www.babycenter.com)
OK, admit it, if you are anything like me you saw jicama and went ?????? I'm really not even sure what that is, but compared to the quarter, I'll take it! I don't have another doctor's appointment until the 8th and we are having a growth ultrasound at that time. I'll be honest, I can't wait to see our sweet baby girl again! Sleep is getting tough and I could easily go to bed at 6 and sleep all night long, if not earlier! I started back to work last week and our kids started back yesterday and I'm beat.
About 10 minutes ago Emery got her first case of the hiccups that I could truly feel and KNOW that w/o a doubt that's what it was. I called Chase over and he was laughing up a storm as he felt her kick. He is very intrigued by my growing belly and curious as to what his little sister is doing in there at all times. When I was coming in the door this evening (I say evening because I've pulled close to 11 hour days every day this week) I had spilled some water on my shirt. Chase saw it and wanted to know if Emery had been crying in there! It was cute and sweet at the same time. He is going to be such an awesome big brother!!
Speaking of the big brother, day one was great at school with no tears. Yesterday was a little different. Instead of going straight to his room, he had to go into the other K4 room and that threw him off. He wanted his room and his teacher! Jeff was dropping him off and stayed outside to make sure he would be OK before leaving, but hearing that Chase had such a hard time left me in tears. When I got home last night Chase and I talked and he told me that today he would be brave and not cry. True to his word, Jeff said he did great! I think tomorrow we'll go back to the regular routine of me dropping him off, it's just been so hard w/the start of school and me trying to have time to get things ready in the morning. I'm hoping that he'll still do good, even if it's me he's having to say goodbye to!
They are learning about the letter i this week and about creation. Chase is so cute when he talks about it. We also got a note in his planner from his teacher about what a sweet boy he is, how obedient he is, and how he's really starting to get confidence in answering questions in class... sure makes a mommy proud! I have a feeling he's going to have a great year!!!!
****I am grateful for
1) 32 weeks!
2) humpday, means the first week of school is half way over!
3) hiccups
4) Chase is lovin' school!
5) a great note from Chase's teacher :o)
Posted by Kahla at 7:25 PM 3 comments
Labels: Chase, Project Pumpkin
Monday, August 24, 2009
It's official, Chase is a PreSchooler!
I don't think I slept very much last night, I kept looking at the clock and counting how long until we had to drop Chase off at PreK. I was terrified he would cry and be scared, turns out I was terrified for nothing!!!! Chase got up (without too much of a fight!), ate breakfast, brushed his teeth, got dressed, and was ready to go. We took pictures outside, then made our way to school. We talked about what a wonderful day he was going to have and never once did he tell me he didn't want to go or that he was scared. We logged our code in to drop him off, walked to class, and I could tell I wasn't going to make it without crying! I didn't want to cry in front of him and upset him so I told Jeff to take him in and I'd be right there. Chase saw I had stopped and went to hug Jeff goodbye. I told Chase we were going to go in his class with him and he said, "why?" I nearly fell over, he would've said goodbye to us right there!!!! I just told him I wanted to say hi to his teacher (truth is I couldn't stand to leave him) and he was fine with that. We went in, hung his backpack up, briefly talked to Miss. Caren, took a picture, got hugs, and that was it. Our baby, was a big boy. As soon as we walked out of the class I lost it. I'm a teacher, I'm not supposed to do that, but it's so hard when it's your own baby you're leaving!!!!! I pretty much cried the whole way to the car and the whole way to work, but I eventually managed to stop!
Jeff picked Chase up this afternoon and they said he did great. His teacher complimented on how well behaved he was, which is always nice to hear. Chase called me on the phone since I had to work late for our Meet the Teacher and told me that he really liked school. He said it was more fun that going to the baby sitter and that he wanted to go back tomorrow, so I'm going to take that as a successful day!!! Let's hope tomorrow goes just as well! I can't say how proud I am of him, he's so big and brave!!!! :o)



***I am grateful for
1) an awesome first day of school for Chase
2) Chase is so brave
3) Chase is so big!
4) an easy goodbye this morning
5) Monday is over!
Posted by Kahla at 7:36 PM 8 comments
Labels: Chase
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Tomorrow is a big day for Chase!
Last Thursday night we had Meet the Teacher at Chase's school and he was pretty excited. We had gotten the postcard from his teacher, Miss. Caren, the night before and he made us read it to him time and time again. As soon as we walked into his class (Station 8) a co-worker of mine came over and asked me if Chase was in that room. She was so glad to hear me say yes because her little girl is also in that room! If I had only know ahead of time I so would have arranged some playdates this past summer so they could have gotten to know each other! It turns out that there are 21 kids in his class and a teacher with two aides. I think that's a pretty good ratio for 4 year olds! At first Chase was very shy and didn't want to leave our sides, but after a while he sat at his seat (he has four other kids at his table and is in between two girls) to color and then went to play with a Dora kitchen on the other side of the room. I was kinda happy he felt secure enough to venture away from us and then he wanted to keep playing when it was time to leave! When we finished talking with his teacher and headed out the door there were two rainbows right in front of us... I'm a rainbow girl and I'm taking that as a good sign!!!!
He seems pretty excited about tomorrow being his first day, but told us yesterday that he may be a little bit scared. We have reassured him that it's OK to be scared, but he's going to have so much that he won't be scared for long. Jeff and I are both going in late tomorrow so that we can take him to school and not be rushed. I am so scared that it'll be a rough goodbye, so if you have some extra prayers for a smooth morning and a great day for Chase, please send them our way!!! Just the thought of leaving my sweet baby there makes my eyes leak a little!!!
***I am grateful for
1) Miss. Caren, I think she is going to be great with Chase!
2) Both Jeff and I can go in late to take Chase in the morning
3) Sundays, who doesn't love a good Sunday
4) a better nights sleep last night
5) Chase's first day of school, please let it go well Lord!!!!
Posted by Kahla at 9:33 AM 1 comments
Labels: Chase, Holy Rollin'
Friday, August 21, 2009
10 years ago I married my best friend....
It's hard to believe that it's been 10 years since Jeff and I got married. From the moment I met him, I knew he was the one. If you believe in love at first site, this was it. He was different than any of the other guys I had dated and it sure didn't take me long to figure out he was a keeper!
Have you ever read the books You Are My Miracle and You Are My I Love You? It's about a parent and child and how their love compliments the others. These are two of my all-time favorite children's books. Trust me, I have several! I always think of these books when I think of the love I feel for Jeff and Chase. So, let me give it a whirl.
I am your rose; you are my sweet scent.
I am your raindrops; you are my puddle to splash.
I am your sunny day; you are my bright shades.
I am your words; you are my music.
I am your princess; you are my prince.
I am your heart; you are my I love you!
Happy Anniversary Honey, may the next 10 years be just as wonderful as these were! I love you!
~ Kahla
****I am grateful for
1) 10 wonderful years
2) my prince
3) that not only is Jeff an awesome husband, he's an awesome Daddy
4) being blessed
5) the next 10 years
Posted by Kahla at 5:11 PM 6 comments
Labels: Daddy
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Our Pumpkin is as big as 4 Naval Oranges! (31 weeks)
This week, your baby measures over 16 inches long. He weighs about 3.3 pounds (try carrying four navel oranges) and is heading into a growth spurt. He can turn his head from side to side, and his arms, legs, and body are beginning to plump out as needed fat accumulates underneath his skin. He's probably moving a lot, too, so you may have trouble sleeping because your baby's kicks and somersaults keep you up. Take comfort: All this moving is a sign that your baby is active and healthy. (www.babycenter.com)
Nothing terribly new to report today. Emery is still quite active, but I really don't think she is as active as Chase was. She also seems to be lower than him, but I don't believe she has flipped and that could have something to do with it. I am so ready to have her here safe and sound and can't wait for October to get here. I did have an OB appointment on Monday and sure enough my gestational diabetes test came back fine, however I am anemic. Really that comes as no surprise since my mom is probably more anemic than any person I know! Nothing that a little iron can't take care of! ;o)
I go back on the 8th for a growth ultrasound and then will be starting weekly appointments. One week I'll have a NST (non-stress test) and the next a growth ultrasound. We'll switch out until Emery gets here. I did the same thing with Chase, but his ultrasounds showed he was 8 1/2 plus pounds a week before he was born and he ended up being 6 pounds 1 ounce, so I really don't hold stock in those! ;o)
Tuesday found me back at school and let me just say that I am utterly exhausted after day two. I moved into a new grade/portable this year and it has been some major work. I'm not thrilled, but it'll be O.K. My Nana (grandmother/Chase's great-grandmother) and Paw (grandfather/Chase's great-grandfather) came from Mississippi to watch Chase these last two days and he loved it. I think Nana and Paw have him quite spoiled and are both wrapped around his finger! Tomorrow he will being going with MeMaw (Jeff's mom) to Houston to see his Uncle Chad (Jeff's younger brother) and have lunch at The Rainforest Cafe... he's quite thrilled. Then after karate tomorrow evening we have Meet the Teacher and will get to see his classroom. I hope it eases his anxiety a little (and mine)! Friday MeMaw is taking him to Chuck E. Cheese and then we are going school clothes shopping this weekend so he can pick out a special outfit for the first day of school. I still can't believe my baby is starting Pre-K on Monday!
Guess I should run get Chase's stuff ready for tomorrow (and let's be honest, I could totally go to sleep right now) and quit yacking. Hope everyone is having a GREAT week!
****I am grateful for
1) Nana and Paw (how lucky are we that Chase has his great grandparents!!!!)
2) Hump Day, we know I love that!
3) my room at school looks better, even if I am totally exhausted
4) bedtime... I'm so tired
5) 31 weeks!!!
Posted by Kahla at 8:18 PM 4 comments
Labels: Project Pumpkin
Sunday, August 16, 2009
It's been a whole year....
since I wrote this post. Friday was one year since I miscarried our twins. So much happens in a year. Not a day goes by that I don't think of them, what it would be like with them here, who would they look like, or what day would have been their birthday. Would they have been a boy and a girl like we thought? So many questions that will never be answered. Yet if they were here, we wouldn't have our sweet Emery on the way. It's amazing the changes that a year can bring. We learned to laugh and smile again and we learned that even though it hurt like nothing we had ever felt, that God had great things planned for us and it would be O.K. It's a bittersweet moment, we miss you babies and our love for you will never end.
***I am grateful for
1) a year can change so much
2) learning to smile again
3) learning to laugh again
4) never-ending love
5) Chase and Emery (and Jeff, who I never could survive without)
Posted by Kahla at 11:00 PM 6 comments
Labels: life, miscarriage
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Our Pumpkin is an even bigger Cabbage (30 weeks!)
OK, according to The Bump last week our Pumpkin was a cabbage and according to Baby Center our Pumpkin was a butternut squash. I ended up doing the cabbage one, but then this week Baby Center is saying a cabbage so I guess I should have went with the other (The Bump does not change again for a few weeks). Everyone nice and confused now? ;o)
Your baby's about 15.7 inches long now, and she weighs almost 3 pounds (like a head of cabbage). A pint and a half of amniotic fluid surrounds her, but that volume will decrease as she gets bigger and takes up more room in your uterus. Her eyesight continues to develop, though it's not very keen; even after she's born, she'll keep her eyes closed for a good part of the day. When she does open them, she'll respond to changes in light but will have 20/400 vision — which means she can only make out objects a few inches from her face. (Normal adult vision is 20/20.) (www.babycenter.com)
Wow, 30 weeks! That means we are 3/4 of the way through this pregnancy and only 10 weeks away from meeting our precious baby girl!!! 10 weeks = 70 days, that doesn't seem like very long at all! :o)
We have yet to start her room, but we did get the paint last weekend so at least we have that. I guess we'll try and get it emptied the rest of the way this weekend (that will take all of an hour at most) and then get going. It so different this time because we have Chase. When I was pregnant with him we didn't have a little one to focus on and keep us busy so we had lots of extra time to work on this. Not quite the same this time!
We were so thrilled to get those great pics last week and see Emery again. We are amazed at how much her and her big brother resemble each other and absolutely cannot wait to see them together. I know he is going to be such a great big brother to her and he already loves her so much. I hate to wish the days away, but I'm so ready for October to get here and for us to have our sweet baby girl healthy and in our arms.
****I am grateful for
1) hump-day, always love it!
2) rain this evening, boy do we need it (wish it would keep raining)
3) 30 weeks!!!
4) my friend, Jessica, had a healthy baby boy last night!
5) I still have three days of summer vacation left and I'll take 'em!
Posted by Kahla at 7:00 PM 5 comments
Labels: Project Pumpkin
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Ack... where are the blogs I follow???!?!
I'm kinda freaking out here, someone tell me that the blogs they follow are not showing up on their dashboard because mine aren't on mine! Surely blog.ger is just having issues right?!??! ACK!!!!
Posted by Kahla at 3:37 PM 3 comments
Labels: life
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Chase and Emery (side by side)
Here's a 4d shot of Chase and Emery. Chase is on the left and Emery is on the right. You can tell it's not the same baby, but I really think they resemble each other quite a bit. They are both absolutely adorable!!!! (Click on it to make it bigger and easier to compare!) I am so in love with my two babes.
I would also like to mention that as of yesterday Chase was four years, four months, four weeks, and four days old... not that we are counting!
***I am grateful for
1) the baby on the left
2) the baby on the right
3) Big Brothers and Little Sisters
4) air conditioner in our Tahoe, especially when I'm suddenly not feeling so hot and need the cold air!
5) chances of rain
Posted by Kahla at 10:33 PM 4 comments
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Introducing Baby Emery
This afternoon we made a 2nd attempt at seeing Baby Emery. She still pretty much refused to cooperate and we were just about to give up when my mom suggested turning on my right side (not the left like the tech had me doing) and sure enough we were able to see our beautiful daughter!!! She is precious in every way and looks an awful lot like her big brother Chase! She does love to have her hands and feet by her face and I'm pretty sure we have at least one hand or foot in every picture (and had all four in some pictures)! She is very flexible and perfect in every way - we are so in love! Without further ado here's our Precious Pumpkin Emery....
was done with pictures!
another shot of those chubby cheeks and that precious nose (my nose, not Daddy's, although we like his too)!

***I am grateful for
1) our beautiful baby girl
2) that Emery finally cooperated
3) that PawPaw is OK after he got in a wreck on Friday
4) my handsome little guy
5) a fantastic day
Posted by Kahla at 7:12 PM 6 comments
Labels: Project Pumpkin
Chase is 4 years, 4 months, 4 weeks, and 4 days old!
How can time possibly go that fast???
Posted by Kahla at 3:28 PM 0 comments
Labels: Chase
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Our Pumpkin is a Squash (29 weeks!)
Baby’s energy is surging, thanks to the formation of white fat deposits beneath the skin. (Have those kicks and jabs to the ribs tipped you off yet?) Baby is also settling into sleep and waking cycles, though -- as you’ve also probably noticed -- they don’t necessarily coincide with your own. Also this month, all five senses are finally functional, and the brain and nervous system are going through major developments. (www.thebump.com)
Your baby now weighs about 2 1/2 pounds (like a butternut squash) and is a tad over 15 inches long from head to heel. His muscles and lungs are continuing to mature, and his head is growing bigger to make room for his developing brain. To meet his increasing nutritional demands, you'll need plenty of protein, vitamins C, folic acid, and iron. And because his bones are soaking up lots of calcium, be sure to drink your milk (or find another good source of calcium, such as cheese, yogurt, or enriched orange juice). This trimester, about 250 milligrams of calcium are deposited in your baby's hardening skeleton each day. (www.babycenter.com)
Nothing really new to report on the Project Pumpkin/Emery homefront. She is quite active in the evenings and mornings, but still tens to be much lower with her kicks than Chase. I guess the high stuff is punches since she is still heads up. We are going again on Saturday to try at a 4D shot, I had originally said they would do three attempts but after reading more, I think the 2nd is our last shot. Please let her cooperate.
Here's the latest belly shot (taken last Saturday at 28w3d).
***I am grateful for
1) what little bit of summer break is left... I don't want to go back!
2) 29 weeks!
3) only 11 weeks until Emery is fully bakes (I cannot wait to meet her)
4) another shot at our 4D
5) Hump Day, love 'em!
Posted by Kahla at 3:02 PM 6 comments
Labels: Project Pumpkin
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Happy Birthday to the Best Daddy and Husband around!!!!
Today is Jeff's birthday and Chase insisted that Daddy get his own birthday cake to celebrate! So we went to the store and I let Chase pick out the pan he thought Daddy would like best.....
and even better, Daddy let him help blow out the candle!
Happy Birthday Daddy, we LOVE you!!!!
~ Chase and Mommy
***The Top 10 Reasons Why Chase (and Mommy) LOVES Daddy!***
1) he plays with with me even when he's super tired and would really rather rest
2) he gives me tons of hugs and kisses
3) he calls me his "Little Buddy"
4) he always makes me feel special
5) he loves me more than anything
6) he takes me places with him
7) he lets me ride on his shoulders when my feet get tired
8) he tucks me in at night
9) he always comes to my rescue when I need him
10) he's my bestfriend!
Posted by Kahla at 7:16 PM 2 comments
Labels: Daddy
Monday, August 3, 2009
All about Big Brother Chase! (Part 1)
There are truly no words to describe Chase. He is beyond awesome and is all we could have hoped for and more in a son. We are constantly getting comments on how good he is and then they follow that up with, "is he always this good?" The answer is yes... 95% of that time. The other 5% he is hell on wheels, but those times are few and far between! He is all boy, very determined, sensitive, sweet, caring, showers you with hugs/kisses/I Love Yous every single day, and it just overall wonderful. I often joke that since Chase had such a hard first 6 months of life due to reflux, that we paid our dues early on and it's all downhill from here... hopefully I'll never regret that statement!!!!
Being a teacher I have been exposed to just about everything you can think of and therefore my poor kiddo has been exposed to it as well. I kid you not when I say that I truly believe my child will have immunities to every childhood illness before he's 5 thanks to my occupation! He's had the common cold, hand foot and mouth, scabies (trust me, it's not as bad as it sounds, just a very itchy rash caused by mites, this he got from a kid at the sitters), Fifth's disease/scarlatina, strep throat, bronchitis, asthma, jaundice when he was a newborn, thrush, and as of last week infantigo. Seriously, what else could we possibly come up (please don't answer that)??!?
Now what is infantigo you might ask, because it sounds rather scary doesn't it? Fortunately it sounds a lot worse than it is, although it can make you quite miserable. Infantigo is a very itchy skin rash that is most common in children ages 2-6. If you look it up on google, you can find some scary pictures, Chase's was not nearly that bad and thanks to modern medicine is now almost completely healed. In fact, the infantigo itself was not our problem, the medicine incident was. What was that, you want to know about the medicine incident? Sure, I'll tell you about it and then totally blame it on being pregnant and losing brain cells... cause surely I would never do something like this.
Since Chase had severe reflux as an infant he learned early on how to take medicine and is probably the best medicine taker you'll ever meet. This can be good and it can be bad. When we got home Friday with the oral antibiotics I poured some into a measuring lid before realizing it didn't have the correct measurement. I decided I'd better find a dropper and before I could do anything Chase picked the lid up and sucked down the meds. Now I know that he got more than he should have, I'm guessing at least a double dose. I read the handout and it said to call poison control if you suspected an overdose. I didn't know if that would be an overdose so I decided to wait and watch him. About an hour later he said his tummy hurt and he laid on the couch. Not a minute later he said the saddest, "Mommy" I have ever heard and when I looked up he was covered in throw-up and so was the couch. I jumped and he threw up two more more times. I took him upstairs to the tub to wash while Jeff cleaned the couch. He said he felt better and wanted to play but within minutes he wanted out of the tub and was very sleep. He zonked out and I began to freak. He never falls asleep like that! I called our pedi after-hours and a TX Children's nurse called me back, went over questions and said she felt he was OK but to call poison control. OMG. I call, go over everything with them, they feel he is fine, and say to call back if we have any issues. Can you freaking believe that????? I still can't believe that all happened... what is wrong with me? Oh yeah, I forgot I'm blaming it on being pregnant!
I will admit, I'm one lucky Mommy!
***I am grateful for
1) an awesome little boy
2) those good times (and even then bad)
3) Monday is over, I'm really not a fan of Mondays
4) recliners
5) sleep, I love sleep
Posted by Kahla at 1:55 PM 2 comments
Labels: Chase
Saturday, August 1, 2009
We learned three things today...
1) Emery is still an Emery (thank God)
2) Emery will have chubby cheeks just like her big brother did
3) Emery is VERY stubborn
For almost 30 minutes we tried to get one good 3D shot and for almost 30 minutes Miss. Emery refused to cooperate. She had her legs crossed and in front of her face (she is extremely flexible), her arm by her head, and her elbow resting on her knee. Her legs weren't even that big of a deal, but the arm being by her head would make a shadow every time we switched over to 3D and you couldn't really see anything. We got a brief glimpse of her chubby little cheeks and a couple of leg/arm/toes/fingers shots, but that was it. So, we are going to try again next Saturday at 4:30 (no extra charge thank God) and see if she will be a little more cooperative then. Did I mention I will also be downing a LARGE strawberry shake on the way down??? ;o)
Look for my next post all about big brother Chase! He was diagnosed with infantigo yesterday and we had one rough and very scary afternoon. Plus I still need to share about his latest karate accomplishment.
****I am grateful for
1) even though we didn't get a good 3D shot, we still got to see Emery
2) on week and we get to try and see Emery again
3) it was a great day
4) we got to see Duchess' new offices and they are awesome!
5) still two weeks of summer vacation left and we all know I love summer vacation
Posted by Kahla at 9:54 PM 4 comments
Labels: Project Pumpkin