This week, your baby measures over 16 inches long. He weighs about 3.3 pounds (try carrying four navel oranges) and is heading into a growth spurt. He can turn his head from side to side, and his arms, legs, and body are beginning to plump out as needed fat accumulates underneath his skin. He's probably moving a lot, too, so you may have trouble sleeping because your baby's kicks and somersaults keep you up. Take comfort: All this moving is a sign that your baby is active and healthy. (
Nothing terribly new to report today. Emery is still quite active, but I really don't think she is as active as Chase was. She also seems to be lower than him, but I don't believe she has flipped and that could have something to do with it. I am so ready to have her here safe and sound and can't wait for October to get here. I did have an OB appointment on Monday and sure enough my gestational diabetes test came back fine, however I am anemic. Really that comes as no surprise since my mom is probably more anemic than any person I know! Nothing that a little iron can't take care of! ;o)
I go back on the 8th for a growth ultrasound and then will be starting weekly appointments. One week I'll have a NST (non-stress test) and the next a growth ultrasound. We'll switch out until Emery gets here. I did the same thing with Chase, but his ultrasounds showed he was 8 1/2 plus pounds a week before he was born and he ended up being 6 pounds 1 ounce, so I really don't hold stock in those! ;o)
Tuesday found me back at school and let me just say that I am utterly exhausted after day two. I moved into a new grade/portable this year and it has been some major work. I'm not thrilled, but it'll be O.K. My Nana (grandmother/Chase's great-grandmother) and Paw (grandfather/Chase's great-grandfather) came from Mississippi to watch Chase these last two days and he loved it. I think Nana and Paw have him quite spoiled and are both wrapped around his finger! Tomorrow he will being going with MeMaw (Jeff's mom) to Houston to see his Uncle Chad (Jeff's younger brother) and have lunch at The Rainforest Cafe... he's quite thrilled. Then after karate tomorrow evening we have Meet the Teacher and will get to see his classroom. I hope it eases his anxiety a little (and mine)! Friday MeMaw is taking him to Chuck E. Cheese and then we are going school clothes shopping this weekend so he can pick out a special outfit for the first day of school. I still can't believe my baby is starting Pre-K on Monday!
Guess I should run get Chase's stuff ready for tomorrow (and let's be honest, I could totally go to sleep right now) and quit yacking. Hope everyone is having a GREAT week!
****I am grateful for
1) Nana and Paw (how lucky are we that Chase has his great grandparents!!!!)
2) Hump Day, we know I love that!
3) my room at school looks better, even if I am totally exhausted
4) bedtime... I'm so tired
5) 31 weeks!!!
A trip! A trip!
11 years ago
Elaina just started Pre-K and she is doing great! Chase seems like he has a great personality and will do awesome, too.
Wow--you are superwoman! At this point in my pregnancy with T, I could barely grocery shop, much less set up a classroom and prepare to teach little ones!!!! You are wonder woman and I am in awe of you!
The Great Pumpkin is really, really coming this year! So excited for you and your family! So excited indeed!
Hooray for first days of school AND new school clothes! Everything will go just perfect for Mr. Chase and I look forward to hearing all about his first day at big kid school! Madison is so excited that they will both be in the same grade (my help with grade terminology). She wants him to come to her school-I said I didnt think the teachers could handle that. There isnt enough Prozac! hahah.
Ahh, the continued fruit-analogy. Love it! Great visuals. That's pretty damn big, four naval oranges. That's like, what, a large flattened cantaloupe?
I like your frequent "I'm grateful for" mode of thinking. If I get my act together, I'm going to give that a try.
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