Saturday, October 3, 2009

Our Pumpkin is a stalk of Swiss chard! (37 weeks - a little late), plus Emery's room and a peek at the Big Bro' Chase!

Congratulations — your baby is full term! This means that if your baby arrives now, his lungs should be fully mature and ready to adjust to life outside the womb, even though your due date is still three weeks away.

Your baby weighs 6 1/3 pounds and measures a bit over 19 inches, head to heel (like a stalk of Swiss chard). Many babies have a full head of hair at birth, with locks from 1/2 inch to 1 1/2 inches long. But don't be surprised if your baby's hair isn't the same color as yours. Dark-haired couples are sometimes thrown for a loop when their children come out as blonds or redheads, and fair-haired couples have been surprised by Elvis look-alikes. And then, of course, some babies sport only peach fuzz. (

Not much to update since the big update on Tuesday... however, I am full term now and that's pretty cool. I've had quite a few Braxton-Hicks and lately they are more and more uncomfortable. Also, today my feet are pretty swollen and look like sausages... ick.

We did a lot of work on Emery's room today and it is just about done now. It looks great and I'm very proud of how it's turned out. Now if we can get the rest of the house cleaned, the carseat installed, and the last few things done we'll be doing great! ;o) So much to do, so little time! Tomorrow I am supposed to be going to a bow class with my ex-SIL but we're still waiting on the directions, I sure hope it all comes through because I'm really exited about it! Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

Emery's name that I painted, not bad!

Her name above the crib.

The start of her bow collection, Daddy said I can't buy anymore and I have to
learn to make them!

Her closet.... this doesn't include what's in the dresser!

Our diaper stash, Memaw has been collecting for us!

The crib.

Molly posing by the changing table.

The other bow holder that I made.

On one of the shelves.

Her first pair of Mickey ears!

And last, Big Bro' Chase in his Jango Fett costume! So cute!!!

***I am grateful for
1) Emery's room is pretty much done
2) resting w/my feet up
3) weekends
4) the bow class, where are those directions?????
5) 37+ weeks!


Amber said...

37! I think the time has flown! Emery's room is beautiful! You definitely look like you are ready to bring your little girl home.

Michelle said...

I love Emery's room!

Aspiemom said...

It won't be long now!

I love Emery's room and all of the beautiful details. You did a great job!

Stacy E. said...

Emery's room looks fantastic! Can you believe she'll be here in only 8 more days?! I can't wait!

And Chase, you look really awesome in your Halloween costume, too!

Joy@WDDCH said...

Her room looks so good!!!

Hoping for our own Peanut said...

Looks like you are ALL set! Her room is adorable, her clothes are abundant and those minnie ears are the cutest! I cant wait to see pictures of her NEXT week!

Myrannda said...

I LOVE how it goes from pretty, girly, princessey Emery to Chase as Jango Fett! And I considered getting ears for her when we were at Disney, so I'm glad to see she has some! I can't wait to see it all in person, in a little over a month!!!!

Amanda Hoyt said...

Emery's room is gorgeous!
Chase looks so cute!!
Can't wait to see Miss Emery soon!!