As I sit typing this my 2007-2008 school year has officially drawn to a close. The kids were taught and learned more than you could possibly imagine their little minds could hold... that vastness never ceases to amaze me. They truly are like sponges waiting to soak up knowledge.
At the beginning of each year I hyperventilate while I'm testing my students because, "Good Lord they can't read!!!" and I know that it is my job to teach them. I set my expectations high and spend the next 177 school days praying and working harder than I ever knew I could so that these expectations can be met... and they always are. This year has been my best yet and out of 17 first graders, I had 6 reading on a 3rd or 4th grade reading level... now that's one hell of a job if I do say so myself. Out of the remaining 11, all but two met or exceeded our goals for the year. Even those two, made great strides and I have no doubt will be shining stars next year.
It was a good year, one to always remember. On the last day of school I always receive goodies from my students, which is nice. I mean who doesn't love a gift card or a present to open. However, the best gifts are the ones that make your heart swell with love and pride because they make you realize you not only did your job, you made an impression that will last forever. I will close with my most precious gift of the school year, a handwritten poem on a crinkled and torn piece of paper:
Roses are red, violets are blue,
Dear Mrs. Larson we love you.
Trees are tall and grass is green,
You're the best teacher we've ever seen.
We will miss you and we know you'll miss us too.
So, think of us always, and we'll always remember you!
We love you Mrs. Larson
A trip! A trip!
11 years ago
Kahla - Congrats on another year under your belt. What you do with the little kiddos and teaching them to READ is TRULY AMAZING! I admire K and 1st teachers -- you do so much and MEAN so much to your students. I hope you are enjoying your summer....yeah, I'm still hanging in there until Friday! Sheesh!
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