Saturday, February 26, 2011

What have we been up to? Well...

We've been very busy! Busy....

Practicing our jumping skills!

Learning double nunchuks at karate!

Losing another tooth!

Practicing our riding skills!

Modeling the latest fashions!

Eating some really good food!

Realizing it's time for a little bang trim!

Getting lovin' from Daddy!

Showing off bangs!

Lots and lots and lots of T-Ball!

And lots of cuddle time too!

Yep, we've been busy! But don't worry, we'll be back soon!

****I am grateful for
1) being busy, it means we have many wonderful things going on!
2) a birthday coming up!
3) weekends, absolutely LOVE them!
4) Mommy and Daddy's night out
5) funny movies that make you laugh


Chelle said...

The best days are the ones where we are so busy with our lives we don't have time to blog. :)
