Friday, July 24, 2015

We don't do boring!

So, where do I begin?  Our Lucky Charm, our princess, vacation?

Things on the baby front are good.  Our numbers never dropped, just slowed drastically which freaked me out.  Long story short, there were two, one did not make it, the other had a beautiful, healthy, strong heartbeat and measures right on track.  Vanishing twin... again.  Bittersweet... again.  We are so thankful and blessed to still have one Lucky Charm and are learning to exhale a little each day.  Our REs feel confident everything will be just fine and we don't need to worry.  Easier said than done.  As of Thursday I was 7 weeks and that video below is from that appointment.  I go back once a week now, still on way too much medicine, shots are killing my hips, but it is oh so worth it.  Next milestone: 10 weeks!  All our levels have maxed out on what the machines go to, so no more blood work... woohoo for that!

Princess Emery had her surgery today to patch the hole left from her tubes.  This was the same surgery they did on her other ear a little over a year ago.  They also removed two small warts, one on her finger and one on her thigh.  She did fantastic and her biggest concern is where the wart was on her finger is numb and she doesn't quite understand that.  Hopefully when the meds are out of her system, it won't feel too bad.

Daddy has been on vacation this week with us, which has been great.  We spent a few days in Crystal Beach, the boys did lots of fishing, and we hung out at the beach for hours and hours.  It was great! Hard to believe the whole week has already slipped by!

School is creeping up fast and we all have mixed emotions.  Emery is so ready to go to kindergarten, but Chase has no interest in going back.  He's perfectly content hanging out at home and sleeping/playing all day.  Can't say I blame him.  I love teaching, but I also love being home in the summer with the kids (and still getting my paycheck since it's prorated for the year).

Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying what's left of summer!

***I am grateful for
1) a successful surgery
2) Daddy and Chase time when they were fishing
3) Lucky Charm's beautiful heartbeat
4) still a few weeks of summer vacation left!


Karen said...

Elated to read your (mostly) happy update! Your love for your family shines through your writing and it's so exciting to have watched your family grow over the years! I continue to wish you nothing but happiness!