turns out, it worked! I haven't posted because we haven't announced it officially and to be honest, I'm not even sure who reads this blog anymore, or when we will announce it. We're remaining cautiously optimistic and taking it one day at a time. Things have just gone so perfectly, that I keep waiting for the ball to drop (although I don't think that's going to happen)! Here's a catch-up of what's been happening:
6/23/15 - Transferred our only two totsicles that were from IVF #5, they thawed beautifully.
6/27/15 - 4dp5dt Negative HPT (I knew it was too early to test, so wasn't bummed a bit)
6/28/15 - 5dp5dt Faint positive
6/29/15 - 6dp5dt Darker positive
*I will just admit it, I have tested every.single.day since
7/3/15 - 10dp5dt Went in early for BETA 226.7 (spectacular)
7/6/15 - 13dp5dt BETA 2 - 938 (wowsers)
7/9/15 - 16dp5dt BETA 3 - 2998 (yep, you read that right) *This was the day our number dropped with the twins and we knew something was wrong, so this was a HUGE relief for me.
Looks like our Lucky Charm will be due March 9, 2016.
I have seriously never had a cycle go this smoothly and am over the moon. I go in on Monday for an ultrasound and BETA 4.
If you know us and are on Facebook, please don't say anything, we'll announce it later on when we are ready. Thank you!
***I am grateful for
1) miracles
2) letting our faith be bigger than our fear (that is our motto this time around)
3) taking leaps
A trip! A trip!
11 years ago
I still read your blog!! I'm thrilled for you and your entire family! I check in from time to time to see how you all are and was so excited to see your newest post. Positive thoughts coming your way for continued good news- I am cheering you on from MA!
Pgrad (Karen)
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