Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Saying goodbye to 2015

So apparently I missed an entire month, imagine that! Thanksgiving was a whirlwind and we spent lots of time with family and friends, which is always nice.  We had our 3D ultrasound of our sweet Phoebe and it appears we are going to be three for three in the big cheeks department, she's still a girl, and we thing she is going to look just like her big sister, who looks just like her big brother.  So basically we just keep cloning our children... ha!  We have been busy moving bedrooms around.  Chase wanted to move to the front bedroom (a.k.a. guest/toy room), then we moved Emery into is old room.  However, his room was blue which meant a total overhaul paint wise.  I've learned that I do not enjoy painting and that blue paint is hard to cover up.  But, it's done and Emery is 95% of the way moved in, so that's good!  I'm about to go up and finish her room right now and then I can start tackling her old room for Phoebe.  I still feel like we have so much to do and I will be 30 weeks on Thursday, which freaks me out a little!

Christmas was wonderful and the kids and I have really been enjoying our time off from school.  I love my job, but I do not want to go back on Monday.  Even just two weeks off spoils us real fast and we end up hanging in our pajamas all day, cuddling, playing, and just enjoying our time together. 

Our weather has just been crazy.  On Christmas it was 81 degrees and everyone was in shorts, then two days later we had storms and tornadoes and now it's in the 40s/50s.  Gotta love Texas weather!

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and has a safe and happy New Year!  Here's our babies to compare, can definitely tell they are all related!!!

****I am grateful for
1) holidays
2) time with family and friends
3) 30 weeks!
4) vacation

Thursday, November 19, 2015


Today our sweet baby girl has baked for 24 weeks, that means that today we reach viability.  If she were to come, she'd have a fighting a chance and we already know she can kick butt.  We certainly don't want her making an appearance yet, but it's a wonderful milestone to reach!!!

Big kids are rockin' it.  Chase just had his fifth grade music program and did so good.  He is our super shy one and did 4 solos and a choreographed part.  I was pretty impressed!  Emery just got her 2nd grading period testing and blew it out of the water.  Not a surprise, she is a smartie for sure!

Hope all are well! One more day and then the kids and I are off for 9 glorious days, can't wait!!

****I am grateful for
1) baby baking milestones
2) viability
3) our amazing kids, all three
4) the light to break is just ahead!
5) time off with family and friends

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Turns out that little 15% of uncertainly on the ultrasound scan was...

not necessary!  We had our 20 week ultrasound last week and although we don't get a follow-up until next week, we didn't sense there were any concerns and the baby measured right on track.  They also confirmed that she is a she with no doubts!  I can't believe we are half way there.

She is perfect and beautiful and we just can't believe this is actually happening.  Life is full of miracles and blessings I suppose!  Now if we could just figure out a name, right now we are debating between Phoebe Kate (yes, I know there's a movie start named Phoebe Cates but to be honest, that doesn't bother us and only we would use her middle name) and Zoey ??.

The kids are doing great, Chase just rocked another report card with all A's and B's.  5th grade is tough so I'm very, very proud of him.  He is almost done with baseball and I think this may be our last season.  We've had some bumps in the road and our little town loses and lot of boys as they reach his age, so there are only three teams and not a lot of options.  He wants to try basketball so it looks like we'll give it a try. 

Emery just turned 6 and amazes me every day.  She is doing so good in school and started to read small words and loves it.  She is like a sponge.  She is beyond excited about being a big sister, especially to a girl.  She wants to find matching outfits, so I guess I should get on that.  She is busy with dance and gymnastics and never slows down.  These kids my life full and my heart happy (well, Jeff does too).

It's wet, wet, wet here in TX this weekend and supposed to be cold, so we are bundled up and relaxing.  Hope everyone is well!

****I am grateful for
1) wonderful ultrasounds
2) big brothers
3) big sisters and baby sisters
4) 20 weeks!
5) Winter is on the way!

PS Karen, I think about you often and hope ya'll are doing well!

Monday, October 12, 2015

Happy 6th Birthday Emery!

6 years ago today our dreams came true, our prayers were answered, and we added a perfect little princess to the family! Not a day goes by that I don't question how I was the one blessed to call this sweet girl my own, but I am so thankful I was. She makes us laugh and is full of spunk and sassiness. She makes our days happier and our worlds better just by being her! She is kind, caring, and happy, everything I pray for her to be. Happy 6th birthday to our sweet Emery Faith, we love you!

****I am grateful for
1) 6 amazing years
2) I got to be her mommy.
3) birthdays
4) cake and ice cream
5) birthday kisses

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Well it looks like it's a....

So we were totally going to do the whole team green thing since we already have one of each and it doesn't really matter, but apparently patience is not our virtue.  Well, I could have waited but Jeff and the kids (and pretty much everyone else) were dying to know what this little lucky charm is.  Last week at my 17 week appt I had a surprise ultrasound so I had them seal the results without telling me what they say.  They were 85% sure, so I guess there's always a chance they were wrong, but I don't think so.  We had a local bakery that we are friends with make a gender cake and set up a family lunch on Saturday.  If you want to wait to be surprised, then look away now, but if you too want to know what our lucky charm is, then keep on looking!  Emery is thrilled and Chase is getting there too.  If like was crazy before, it's about to get crazier!! (P.S. I was the one hoping for a unicorn, but it is definitely not)

On a cute note, Emery did tell me that she knows it's not really a unicorn, but it would be awesome if it was because when it got bigger we could ride it.  How stinking cute is that?!??!

Now without further hesitation...

Another little princess, can you even believe it?  I had a feeling! 

****I am grateful for
1) almost 18 weeks!
2) pink, pink, and more pink
3) excited family and friends
4) good appointments and a healthy lucky charm!

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Well there's never a dull moment!

Well school started off with a bang and hasn't slowed down yet!!!  A week into our new school year we found out that someone on our first grade team would need to move to another school and we had about three hours to let them know who would be volunteering.  Long story short, I decided that it would be best for my team and my family, if I was the one that went, so I volunteered.  To say life has been crazy would be an understatement!  I was really worried about it being hard on Chase since he has been at our school most of his elementary career, but it turns out that having grown up in our small town and having a mommy that's a teacher, my kids really do know half of the population have had not one single issue with the move!  They LOVE our new school and are thrilled to be there.  That was a huge relief for me because I have cried lots and lots of tears over this.  I am doing well, but starting over again a week and half into the new year, having to set up a new room (still first grade), and trying to get caught up has been rough.  I'm quite exhausted and missing my team/friends terribly, but I know it will be OK once I get my feet under me!  Baby steps, baby steps.

Baseball season is about to start and Chase is also wanting to embark on basketball.  Emery is busy with dance and gymnastics.  She is counting down to her birthday and can't wait for her party to get here.  I can't believe how big they are getting.  I need time to slow down just a tad!

We are 14 weeks today, hello 2nd trimester!  We had an ultrasound last week and the kids got to go (we told Emery over the weekend and she is beyond excited), I think they were happy to know that there is a baby in there.  I am now on monthly appointments which is a big change from our weekly ones!  Baby looked perfect and measured right on schedule!

Hope everyone else is having a great month, we are looking forward to the cold front and the weekend, neither can come soon enough!

****I am grateful for
1) smooth transitions for my kiddos
2) cold fronts
3) weekends and turning off the alarm
4) good appointments for our Lucky Charm!

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Boy am I bad at this!

I think about blogging often, but then when I actually sit down I get busy paying bills, reading the news, scrolling through Facebook and before I know it, it's time for bed or I've just forgotten!  Things are going great and our Lucky Charm is fantastic.  Last week at my 10w5d appointment he/she measured 11w1d and a hb of 163 bpm.  I go back Thursday at exactly 12 weeks and will be released from my RE, then go directly to my new OB to get started there!  12 weeks, can you believe it?!?!??! Chase is still so excited and Emery still doesn't know.  Chase, Jeff, and my mom would really like to tell her, so I'm thinking we will let Chase tell her soon.  Just have to find the right way.

I went back to work a little over a week ago and the kids start back on Monday.  Emery is thrilled, Chase is tolerating it.  I can already tell it's going to be a challenging year for me, but I can handle anything for a year, right!  I am thinking that I'll extend my maternity leave.  This is our last baby so I would love the extra time with him/her.

Hope all is doing well, it's going to be a big week in our house!

***I am grateful for
1) We had a wonderful summer, even if it did go too fast!
2) An amazing year ahead!
3) 11w2d today, woot, woot!

Friday, July 24, 2015

We don't do boring!

So, where do I begin?  Our Lucky Charm, our princess, vacation?

Things on the baby front are good.  Our numbers never dropped, just slowed drastically which freaked me out.  Long story short, there were two, one did not make it, the other had a beautiful, healthy, strong heartbeat and measures right on track.  Vanishing twin... again.  Bittersweet... again.  We are so thankful and blessed to still have one Lucky Charm and are learning to exhale a little each day.  Our REs feel confident everything will be just fine and we don't need to worry.  Easier said than done.  As of Thursday I was 7 weeks and that video below is from that appointment.  I go back once a week now, still on way too much medicine, shots are killing my hips, but it is oh so worth it.  Next milestone: 10 weeks!  All our levels have maxed out on what the machines go to, so no more blood work... woohoo for that!

Princess Emery had her surgery today to patch the hole left from her tubes.  This was the same surgery they did on her other ear a little over a year ago.  They also removed two small warts, one on her finger and one on her thigh.  She did fantastic and her biggest concern is where the wart was on her finger is numb and she doesn't quite understand that.  Hopefully when the meds are out of her system, it won't feel too bad.

Daddy has been on vacation this week with us, which has been great.  We spent a few days in Crystal Beach, the boys did lots of fishing, and we hung out at the beach for hours and hours.  It was great! Hard to believe the whole week has already slipped by!

School is creeping up fast and we all have mixed emotions.  Emery is so ready to go to kindergarten, but Chase has no interest in going back.  He's perfectly content hanging out at home and sleeping/playing all day.  Can't say I blame him.  I love teaching, but I also love being home in the summer with the kids (and still getting my paycheck since it's prorated for the year).

Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying what's left of summer!

***I am grateful for
1) a successful surgery
2) Daddy and Chase time when they were fishing
3) Lucky Charm's beautiful heartbeat
4) still a few weeks of summer vacation left!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

The ball has dropped...

Yesterday I went in for my first ultrasound and it looked great!  For sure one, possibly two, they are calling the 2nd a, "possible team player."  Left with four pictures and instructions to return on Friday.  So, all good, right?  Until my blood work came back and only went from 2998 to 4746.  No where close to where it should have been.  Same thing happened with Emery.  They called and left a message yesterday evening (stupid cell service) after I emailed back through my patient portal freaking out saying that Dr. G wanted them to reassure me not to worry and at this point they are more concerned with what the ultrasound shows than the blood work and everything was fine.  Yeah, easier said than done.  They also said I could come in Wednesday if that would help ease my worries.  *sigh* Oh how nice it would be to just be a normal pregnant person with a normal pregnancy.  Not sure what to do, but I know I'm praying like a mad woman and doing my best to let my faith be bigger than my fear (which is pretty damn big right now).

****I am grateful for
1) a good ultrasound
2) prayers
3) having been here before, I know it can be ok

Friday, July 10, 2015

So, about that whole FET thing...

turns out, it worked! I haven't posted because we haven't announced it officially and to be honest, I'm not even sure who reads this blog anymore, or when we will announce it.  We're remaining cautiously optimistic and taking it one day at a time. Things have just gone so perfectly, that I keep waiting for the ball to drop (although I don't think that's going to happen)! Here's a catch-up of what's been happening:

6/23/15 - Transferred our only two totsicles that were from IVF #5, they thawed beautifully.
6/27/15 - 4dp5dt Negative HPT (I knew it was too early to test, so wasn't bummed a bit)
6/28/15 - 5dp5dt Faint positive
6/29/15 - 6dp5dt Darker positive
*I will just admit it, I have tested every.single.day since
7/3/15 - 10dp5dt Went in early for BETA 226.7 (spectacular)
7/6/15 - 13dp5dt BETA 2 - 938 (wowsers)
7/9/15 - 16dp5dt BETA 3 - 2998 (yep, you read that right) *This was the day our number dropped with the twins and we knew something was wrong, so this was a HUGE relief for me.

Looks like our Lucky Charm will be due March 9, 2016.

I have seriously never had a cycle go this smoothly and am over the moon.  I go in on Monday for an ultrasound and BETA 4.

If you know us and are on Facebook, please don't say anything, we'll announce it later on when we are ready.  Thank you!

***I am grateful for
1) miracles
2) letting our faith be bigger than our fear (that is our motto this time around)
3) taking leaps

Thursday, June 25, 2015

FET and the 2WW

Our two totsicles thawed beautifully and were deemed perfect.  FET was 6/23, BETA is 7/7, but I can go in on the 3rd if I want.  I'll be honest, I'm too scared.  They were a 5 day transfer, so I know something would show by the 3rd, but still... terrified.  God's will be done, but we are crazy enough to want these two to stick around for a good 9 months so we can hold them in our arms!!!!  When this was placed in my hand, it was love at first sight.  Say a prayer they stick.

***I am grateful for
1) These two totsicles
2) giving them the chance, no matter the outcome
3) possibilities
4) Letting our Faith be bigger than our Fear

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Schools out for summer!

Schools out and summer has officially begun!  We now have a kindergartner and a 5th grader, how the heck did that happen?  No to mention I just finished my 13th year of teaching, it sure has gone by fast!  We are very excited about summer and although we don't have any major plans, I imagine we will keep ourselves quite busy.  Swimming with friends, church camp, fishing, New Orleans, bowling, dance, gymnastics... should be fun.

On the FET front, we've started the roller coaster.  D3 monitoring done yesterday and right now we have a tentative transfer date of June 23rd.  It's so different than a fresh cycle, lots less involved for sure.  Guess we'll know something by July 4th if all goes as planned.  Trying to remain cautiously optimistic, but in reality, I'm a nervous Nelly.

Here's to hoping!

****I am grateful for
1) weekends where all the family is home
2) warm blankets
3) summer vacation

Saturday, April 25, 2015

It's been 6 years since...

we've done an IVF cycle.  That was the 5th cycle and it blessed us with the princess.  It also blessed us with two totsicles.  That was a first for us.  For 6 years the "tots" have been waiting, waiting for the time when we'd see if they too would join our family.  We've come close to doing a FET many times, but for one reason or another we haven't.  Our RE has retired for lack of a better word.  Well really, he just doesn't see patients anymore, he runs the financial side.  However, Friday, we have an appointment.  The agreement is we'll meet with one of the other REs to monitor the FET and then our RE will do the transfer.  So it looks like we're heading for our last hurrah.  I'm not even sure how to feel.  I'm scared to think this could work, I've been heartbroken before and when your hopes are high, it hurts even worse.  So, I am going with the, "what's meant to be will be" mantra and praying that God's will be done.  Here goes nothing...

**I am grateful for
1) our RE's office and the wonderful staff
2) Dr. Gill, and the fact he is coming in just for us
3) prayers, they work
4) possibilities

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Happy Easter and then some!

Wow, it's been quite a while since I've been on here.  Same old excuses as always, so I won't even try.  Life is busy, kids are growing, time is slipping away faster and faster.  We've had birthdays, parties, hellos and goodbyes to loved ones.  Emery is the big 5 now and Chase just turned 10.  My babies are growing up way too fast.  We are back in baseball season and between that and dance, we are pretty much booked each night of the week.  It's great and exhausting!

Emery has excelled in dance and was offered and invitation to join company next season, but we declined.  She will be starting kinder which means going from a half a day to a full day, and that right there is a big change.  Company would have meant dance until 7:45 at night and then another 1 1/2 hours each week in rehearsal and we felt it would just be too much to take on for her little five year old self.  So, we will move up to the next dance class and look at company again in a year.  It would have also meant quitting baseball and she likes that an awful lot too!

Chase is now just about 6 inches short of being as tall as me and thinks that's the greatest thing ever.  It's heartbreakingly wonderful!  He's growing into a great young man that can get me more frustrated than anyone I  know (well, he runs a pretty tight race with his daddy).  I can't believe he is 10, I feel like time is going way too fast. We are all pretty excited to be at the same school next year, but it'll be the only year it happens because after that he will head off to the middle school next year.  He is doing great on the ball field and at school, as usual.

Life is good and we continue to be blessed.  We have some big things coming up and maybe I'll be able to get my spare time under control and back to blogging.  I find it so easy to log in to Facebook, that usually all my updates just end up over there.

I hope everyone had a blessed Easter, I know we did!

***I am grateful for
1) He loved us so much he gave his one and only son
2) Quiet time in the evenings
3) Family and Friends