So another Thanksgiving has come and gone and I didn't get a single picture. Why you ask? Because while we were off for the whole week of Thanksgiving (by we, I mean Chase and I), sickness decided to invade our home! There has been a major virus going around the school and Friday night my little man started feeling under the weather. Saturday he barely left the couch and by Sunday we were both at urgent care. *sigh* So much for living it up during our break! We sent Emery to Duchess' in hopes that she would avoid catching it, but in the end it got her, Nana, and Duchess. The only one to escape was Daddy. So, while we weren't thankful to be sick, we were very thankful that we were home and not having to miss work and school! Hope everyone has a fantastic Thanksgiving, shared with lots of family and friends and full of great memories!
****I am grateful for
1) everyone is finally feeling better
2) a good Thanksgiving (even with the sickies)
3) seeing family
4) being off when we were sick so we could get better
5) 19 days until Disney World!
A trip! A trip!
11 years ago
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