Thursday, June 25, 2015

FET and the 2WW

Our two totsicles thawed beautifully and were deemed perfect.  FET was 6/23, BETA is 7/7, but I can go in on the 3rd if I want.  I'll be honest, I'm too scared.  They were a 5 day transfer, so I know something would show by the 3rd, but still... terrified.  God's will be done, but we are crazy enough to want these two to stick around for a good 9 months so we can hold them in our arms!!!!  When this was placed in my hand, it was love at first sight.  Say a prayer they stick.

***I am grateful for
1) These two totsicles
2) giving them the chance, no matter the outcome
3) possibilities
4) Letting our Faith be bigger than our Fear

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Schools out for summer!

Schools out and summer has officially begun!  We now have a kindergartner and a 5th grader, how the heck did that happen?  No to mention I just finished my 13th year of teaching, it sure has gone by fast!  We are very excited about summer and although we don't have any major plans, I imagine we will keep ourselves quite busy.  Swimming with friends, church camp, fishing, New Orleans, bowling, dance, gymnastics... should be fun.

On the FET front, we've started the roller coaster.  D3 monitoring done yesterday and right now we have a tentative transfer date of June 23rd.  It's so different than a fresh cycle, lots less involved for sure.  Guess we'll know something by July 4th if all goes as planned.  Trying to remain cautiously optimistic, but in reality, I'm a nervous Nelly.

Here's to hoping!

****I am grateful for
1) weekends where all the family is home
2) warm blankets
3) summer vacation