My oh my, it's been a while since I posted!
~ Chase ended his Spring Ball Season with the Rangers last night and we took third place. Closing ceremonies aren't until the 31st, but we are set in this spot. He was stuck in outfield all season (except one game of pitcher and 1/2 a game at third base) and despite getting little field playing time, he improved so much! His batting has gotten really good and he likes baseball. Hoping our next season we have a coach that's more intersted in all the boys learning and less about being number one. Sad thing is, had they switched players around, we could have been number 1. Lesson learned there. Good news is we are moving on to kid pitch, Chase is super excited!
~ Only 9 days of school left and I am so thankful. My patience is gone, the kids are done. We all need a break desperately.
~ Emery's dance recital is a week from Saturday. They look so cute, I can't wait. We are changing dance studios after the recital and I'm really excited about that. I think the new one will be a lot better and she can move on to competition when she's five.
~ Chase and Emery will both be going to summer camp this year. Turns out that even though they have to be in kinder, if a parent is volunteering, there is a wee camp for the little ones. So, even though I really need a break from kids, I'm volunteering so the Princess can go to.
~ Still love my job, principal, school, grade, etc and still so very thankful that this move turned out the way it did.
~ Chase has stayed on the A/B honor roll all year and is a full year ahead in reading. Have I said how proud I am of him?
~ My cousin just found out she is having a baby girl in October, so excited for her!!! There is just something about girls in our family. Out of the 12 grandkids, 10 are girls, and out of the 14 great-grandkids, 11 are girls. I'm so thankful to have one of each.
~ Speaking of babies, we just paid the $500 to store our totsicles for another year. We were seriously looking at a FET this summer, but life is full of surprises and there is a major life change coming June 18th. Funny thing, June 18 is our 9 year anniversary of Chase's retrieval. Guess that will always be a lucky one for us!! (more to come on that later, don't want to jinx anything)
~ We have decided to take Emery to Disney World for her 5th birthday in 2014. 5th sounds so crazy. Of course, Chase will go too! My cousin and her three girls will meet us and then perhaps some other cousins. It's going to be awesome (although it seems so far away).
~ Getting my highlights done tomorrow, I look so rough.
~ Two birthday parties this weekend, it's going to be busy. So thankful to be off on Monday. I'd say we'd relax, but there are a million things to do.
Hope everyone has a spectacular weekend and wonderful Memorial Day!
****I am grateful for
1) days off
2) 9 days until summer vacation
3) a/c, it's gonna be a hot summer in TX
4) fresh mowed grass
5) ice cold water
A trip! A trip!
11 years ago