Sweet Emery, Today, you are 18 months old. A year and half. Just typing that takes my breath away. Every single day my love for you grows more and more and I find myself in awe that I get to be your Mommy. You and Chase are my dreams come true and make everything in life worth it. You are growing by leaps and bounds and quickly leaving your babyhood behind so you can become a full-fledged toddler. You love to run, jump, and climb. You are constantly on the go and looking for new things to explore and tackle. Your vocabulary has grown so much I can no longer keep track of the words you say and you have no problem getting your point across. Every day you are learning new things and I'm so proud of you. You adore animals and thankfully Yoda and Houdini are very tolerant of your love. Each morning when you wake up, or wake up from your nap, you immediately want to say hi to your fish as we get you out of your crib. You also insist on telling it goodnight each evening. I truly believe that your Bubba is your most favorite person in the world and I think the feeling is reciprocated on his end. The two of you will play and entertain each other for hours and I love to watch you interact. Even during those times when ya'll are on each others nerves, you are the first one to the rescue if the other is hurt or upset. I'm so thankful for that and pray you will both always be that way! I believe your biggest accomplishment this month hasn't been walking or talking, or anything like that. This month you gave up your bottle habit! It wasn't easy and we had a few rough nights, but you are doing so well! In a way it makes me a little sad because it's just another sign you are growing up!! Sweet, sweet Emery, I love you so very much. I always dreamed what it would be like to have you in our lives, but it turns out that my dreams didn't even come close to what the reality is. Happy 18 months birthday Princess!!! Love, Mommy ****I am grateful for 1) 18 wonderful, awesome, totally irreplaceable months! 2) reality that's even better than dreams 3) milestones 4) cold sheets 5) ice cold water on a hot summer day
A trip! A trip!
11 years ago
Such a sweet, sweet letter to your little girl! I'm sure she'll love reading these when she is older.
Happy 18 months, Miss Emery! You are such a beautiful little girl, and I can't believe how fast you are growing! You get more and more adorable every single time I see you! ((hugs))
Aunt Stacy
xoxo <3
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