I've had so many people comment on this outfit:We had rodeo tickets for last Saturday to see Brad Pais.ley (love him) and then Sunday the baby shower theme was cowboy/cowgirl. I wanted something cute for Emery to wear that would be cool and stylish so that the other babies wouldn't make fun of her. ;o) So off to the store I went and then to the sewing machine. I think it turned out so cute and it really wasn't nearly as hard as I was afraid it would be. Yes, I stayed up until four in the morning making it, but that was just because the holes in the pant legs are so tiny that they are really hard to sew ruffles on! Besides, isn't that what Mommy's do??
Now that I know how easy it was, I see lots of summer tops like this in Emery's future! Here's the whole outfit:Adorable!
*****I am grateful for
1) my sewing machine
2) cute outfits
3) my Nana that taught me how to sew
4) creativeness
5) fun things to do
A trip! A trip!
11 years ago
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